Shipping and Delivery
Lead Time: Total delivery time = Processing time + Shipping time.
Estimated processing time: Usually we need 3-5 working days to prepare, conduct strict quality control testing, and pack the products before shipping. Please note that a few orders may still take about 7-10 working days depending on stock availability.
Estimated Shipping Time: Usually it takes 10-20 working days by standard shipping (some places take 1-2 months due to the long distance, such as South Africa, etc.). For most parts of the United States, it takes 5-7 working days by express delivery. After the order is shipped, we will update the tracking number by email, and you can also find the tracking number in your account. The delivery time may vary, especially during peak periods. Thank you for your understanding. Once your package is announced to be shipped, our system will send you a notification email, please be patient. We appreciate your understanding. The delivery time may vary, especially during peak periods. Please be more patient. *If the package does not arrive in time, please feel free to contact us, our agent will reply you as soon as possible (usually within 24 hours) and help you solve the problem effectively.